Original by: Tinker Unattended
Size: 8 x 10 - Canvas
Price: $120
To purchase the Original please email: or Telephone: + 1 720-256-9690
Scattered islands across the vast waters, strange currents, and often romanticized in movies, the Pacific currents hide within them amazing life and detailed art beneath the unassuming subtle waters.
Inspiration: Early exploration of liquid acrylic and method.
Original by: Tinker Unattended
Size: 8 x 10 - Canvas
Price: $120
To purchase the Original please email: or Telephone: + 1 720-256-9690
Scattered islands across the vast waters, strange currents, and often romanticized in movies, the Pacific currents hide within them amazing life and detailed art beneath the unassuming subtle waters.
Inspiration: Early exploration of liquid acrylic and method.
Original by: Tinker Unattended
Size: 8 x 10 - Canvas
Price: $120
To purchase the Original please email: or Telephone: + 1 720-256-9690
Scattered islands across the vast waters, strange currents, and often romanticized in movies, the Pacific currents hide within them amazing life and detailed art beneath the unassuming subtle waters.
Inspiration: Early exploration of liquid acrylic and method.