Original: Collaboration by Tinker Unattended and From the Ashes Studio
Size: 12 x 12 - Canvas
Price: $216
To purchase the Original please email: or Telephone: + 1 720-256-9690
Hemorrhaging from the tundra ice, a crystal serpent; wings vast meters a crossed,
takes flight and announces in horrific fury, a declaration; an unknowing slight; a terrible cost.
Disturbed the wrath and vengeance, now leveled on man; humanity lost,
As this great ancient creature exacts it wrath on man, then world; encased in frost.
Inspiration: In collaboration, From the Ashes studio and Tinker Unattended decided to paint side by side with the word and colors representative of "frost." Resulting in the frost set (2).
Original: Collaboration by Tinker Unattended and From the Ashes Studio
Size: 12 x 12 - Canvas
Price: $216
To purchase the Original please email: or Telephone: + 1 720-256-9690
Hemorrhaging from the tundra ice, a crystal serpent; wings vast meters a crossed,
takes flight and announces in horrific fury, a declaration; an unknowing slight; a terrible cost.
Disturbed the wrath and vengeance, now leveled on man; humanity lost,
As this great ancient creature exacts it wrath on man, then world; encased in frost.
Inspiration: In collaboration, From the Ashes studio and Tinker Unattended decided to paint side by side with the word and colors representative of "frost." Resulting in the frost set (2).
Original: Collaboration by Tinker Unattended and From the Ashes Studio
Size: 12 x 12 - Canvas
Price: $216
To purchase the Original please email: or Telephone: + 1 720-256-9690
Hemorrhaging from the tundra ice, a crystal serpent; wings vast meters a crossed,
takes flight and announces in horrific fury, a declaration; an unknowing slight; a terrible cost.
Disturbed the wrath and vengeance, now leveled on man; humanity lost,
As this great ancient creature exacts it wrath on man, then world; encased in frost.
Inspiration: In collaboration, From the Ashes studio and Tinker Unattended decided to paint side by side with the word and colors representative of "frost." Resulting in the frost set (2).